Today I participated in the YMCA Women's Sprint Triathlon. This recount is not a race report about transition times and awards. It is about the mental aspects of triathlon. It is about my own mental chatter. Why am I writing this? Well I am my own project! I am a work in progress in all things. I am willing to be the student no matter whatever my age so I can learn new skills and learn about myself. For me and maybe others, triathlon is a mental trip. For most newbies, like myself, we are not good at every sport or even like to swim, bike or run but we are willing to try. We are willing to humble ourselves and acknowledge that we are not good at something even before we start an event. We strategize. As I spoke to different women today, I noticed that women put themselves in categories. Some declared themselves as swimmers and stated that they would walk or crawl to the finish line but they would finish. For those who declared themse...
This blog is to encourage every person to live his or her best life, to learn little life lessons each day, and to incorporate new, healthy behaviors into your crazy, hectic schedules. This blog supports all who are on physical, emotional and spiritual journey to live their best life. There is NO perfect life so let's strive to live the most healthy life we can.