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Showing posts from October, 2016

Change Requires Action

  Recently, I chatted with someone who stated, “I wish I could run like you.” I smiled and replied, “You can.”   She looked perplexed. I reminded her that the only difference between one person and another is one is doing while the other is not.   Change requires action.   It is a verb. Here are a few tips to make positive changes. 1.      Define what you want to change (i.e. decrease inches or pounds, run a 5k, etc.) Be specific (I will walk 1 mile per day for 15 mins. or I will have 1 cup of grapes instead of 1 cup of M & Ms). 2.      Find a plan that works for you and work it. 3.      START   (Starting is what STOPS a lot of people). Don’t think just START. 4.      Surround yourself with others who support your goals. 5.      Expect setbacks.  6.      Write down what you learned. Reflect on w...

Stacy Plans FY 2017

My training year ended September 30th and began October 1.  It was great to take a mental and physical break during September.  I needed it.  The Chicago triathlon sucked the wind out of me. Although I was pleased with my effort, I know there is room for improvement. October begins a new training year. I have started to build my running base and will slowly incorporate more cycling on the trainer as the days grow darker.  In the depths of Winter, I plan to swim, swim and swim some more. I have a clear idea of what I would like to accomplish during my next fitness season and the work starts now. October 2016-February 2017  Winter Goal 1. Improve my swim time and technique. (Translation pool time 3 x per week) Winter Goal 2. Make strength training a priority (Translation 2-3 x per week) Winter Goal 3. Build swim, bike and run endurance (Periodization plan in effect now) March 2017-May 2017 Spring Goal 1. One Marathon or Ultra Spring Goal 2. One Ind...