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Showing posts from February, 2017

Remember your why?-First trail 1/2 trail marathon

Each year,  people make resolutions to eat better and exercise more. Some actually take small steps to make a behavioral change, but after the novelty wanes, one returns to former behaviors.  It is difficult to keep those New Years Resolutions. But think about why you wanted to make a change. What made you think about making a change in the first place?  Is something stopping you?  Is it injury? Is it motivation? Is it lack of knowledge? Find your why. What made you want to make a change in the first place? If you always wanted to try yoga, walking or a new healthy food, do it. There are no limits or deadlines to making a positive change. Start today and make it fun. In January, I signed up for my first US Masters Swim.  It was fun.  I really suck at swimming, but it was something I wanted to try so I did.  In February, I completed my first 1/2 trail marathon.  It wasn't about speed. It was about remembering why I love to run. Here is the sto...