After my disqualification, I felt depressed and inadequate. How could I have missed a turn? In 25+ years of running, I had never had a disqualification, DQ, on my official results. I had two choices, give up or get up. I thought about giving up, but it is just not my style so I got up. I signed up for a triathlon with a course that included hills beyond my ability. See, I needed a redemption race. I needed to erase the DQ mentally. So, I decided to challenge myself. Today, I joined a local triathlon club to practice my next triathlon course. I was scared. What if I missed a turn? What if I can't do this? Anxiety was setting in, especially about the bike course. Just take a peek at the course. It was quite steep. Was I scared? Yes. I was worried that I couldn't make it up the hills. Then I started thinking of my favorite Mary J. Blige song, "Just fine." I love that song and the words. "No time for mopin...
This blog is to encourage every person to live his or her best life, to learn little life lessons each day, and to incorporate new, healthy behaviors into your crazy, hectic schedules. This blog supports all who are on physical, emotional and spiritual journey to live their best life. There is NO perfect life so let's strive to live the most healthy life we can.