Happy New Year 2018. A new year is an awesome time to jumpstart your health and fitness program. It doesn’t matter if you are training for your first race or simply want to shed a few pounds. By now, I’m sure you have been bombarded with ads for quick fixes, diet potions and detoxes. I will not focus on them. Instead let’s help you focus on tapping into your own super powers. You got this. Here are four tips to help you achieve your health and fitness goals in 2018. Use Momentum. The definition of Momentum is the quantity of motion of a moving body , measured as a product of its mass and velocity. Translation - you must shift your mind and body into action mode to gain momentum. Change requires action. The key to getting momentum is starting and following through. Getting started may be easy and fun, but remaining focused over the next few months can be challenging. Here's a tip. Begin where you are and practice your new healthy habits daily. I...
This blog is to encourage every person to live his or her best life, to learn little life lessons each day, and to incorporate new, healthy behaviors into your crazy, hectic schedules. This blog supports all who are on physical, emotional and spiritual journey to live their best life. There is NO perfect life so let's strive to live the most healthy life we can.