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Showing posts from 2020

Health Coaching and You

2020 is not cancelled.  It is a time to pivot and prepare.  This year I start my health coaching business.     Coaches hold hope for you as you realize your potential.  We help you become a better you.  Do you want a different outcome or looking to optimize your wellness?  Let's do this.   Health coaches help you to discover how to live more optimally and tap into your potential. Coaching will assist you in identifying untapped energy, implement strategies and tools to help you execute your newly found strength. My background is in behavioral change.  I have a Masters in Psychological Counseling and leverage this knowledge to help you become the best you.  My emphasis is to work with clients to help them identify roadblocks and build health strategies to meet their goals.   Do not let you get in your own way.   Business kickoff begins in November.  Stay Tuned If you are interested, please contact me at coachnpstacyw@...

Commentary: Compassion Fatigue and COVID-19-The Chronic Condition of the Helper

It’s April 12,2020. You are not reading an Orwellian novel. The first case of COVID-19 in the United States was reported on 1/22/2020 in Washington State. Eighty days later, the Untied States has reported 555,313 cases, and 22,020 deaths. Who was there from the beginning? Nurses. Nurses care but at what expense? COVID-19 sheds the spotlight on a well-known chronic condition in nursing- compassion fatigue. Since the very beginning of this pandemic, nurses’ lives have been a constant cycle of caring for critically ill patients; fighting to save each one; watching patients decompensate; mourning; clocking out after a 12-16hr shifts and returning to the bedside the next day. This continuous loop is unsustainable. Nurses are suffering from compassion fatigue. Compassion fatigue is a state of exhaustion related to the constant exposure to trauma and/or illness. Nurses not only experience increased physical and mental exhaustion, but reductions in work satisfac...

The Reflections on COVID-19 from Generation X

When you grow up with less, you learn how to make a dollar out 15 cents See Langston was right. Life ain’t no crystal stair and grit is only a new concept to the comfortable living high on Maslow’s hierarchy. See when you grow up with little, you can make something out of nothing. You know how to create calm in the chaos.  We know how to maximize with minimal. We’ve been living the game of Chutes and Ladders.  We’ve been watching those who sit securely in the cushy desks slide down the chute while others who have been the backbone of this nation climb up the ladder to save her. See Patti told us Your Ams to Short to box with God. She’s right you know But this is all about show Healthcare is a human right Nah, I’m not one to pick a fight But... Like Stevie said we living on the edge of.. COVID-19 So forgive me this may sound mean For all of those who were against Obamacare and said it was like Government cheese Give your check to essential workers please A...