I had not thought about this book until today. During my morning swim, I focused on relaxing and enjoying the pool rather than "fighting" the water. As I relaxed, I become more comfortable with my breathing, balance and stroke in the pool. I am still uncomfortable going past 6 feet in the pool, but managed to actually swim without float devices for 150 meters by relaxing and actually swimming in 3/4th of the pool than focusing on the 1/4th of that I was uncomfortable in at this juncture. I still did the same workout as described for today by my coach...50 meter pull bouy, 50m kick and 50m focus on arms/breathing. I just did it MY way. It would have been too much for me to focus on not drowning in the deep end so I focused on what I could do rather than what I couldn't do. All in all. I felt comfortable and successful. I know when the pool opens in my community at the end of May I will able to practice the full length of the pool since it is only 2-4ft max. Hopefully, the Sprint Tri I would like to do will not be sold out by then and I will be able to sign up with the confidence and strength to swim 300m.
What was interesting today was a gentleman who was swimming in the lane next to me. As he went to get out of pool, he stopped to say, " Hey, looks like a good workout you are having there." I smiled and said, " I am learning and not quite comfortable going all the way to the last 1/4th of the pool." Again, he smiled and said, " You look great out there. I was watching you and you don't seem to have any problems when you are swimming below 6 feet, but I know how you feel. I am 66 yrs old and I have been swimming for only 6 months." (This guy looked like Michael Phelps-strong, 0% body fat, and quite at home in the water doing lap after lap. All I was think was 6 months-WOW.) He continued, "I had a brain tumor and survived. I thought it would be good for neuromuscular firing and brain development to swim as suggested by my doctor. It works for me. I have all of my faculties. I can swim, sing, etc. Swimming is about rhythm. Just relax and get into a rhythm. Trust me it will come. By the way, my name is Chris." I politely introduced myself. Then he said, " I may not remember your name because that is apart of my brain that I still my work on, but I will think of you going back in forth in the pool in your TYR suit and I am sure your name will come to me. Please don't be offended if I forget." I said, "Mr. Chris, thank you for stopping to chat with me. Don't worry, I won't be offended. I will just say."Hey Chris, nice to see you." He said, "Thanks so much." I said, "Don't be offended if I don't say Hello because I can't see a dang thing without my glasses. " We had a good laugh.
You never know how a complete stranger is going to change your life if you are just open to what the universe is going to show you. I feel so fortunate to have met Chris today. His humility, tenacity and honesty overwhelmed me. You never know what life has in store for you-Cancer, tumor, heart attack, etc. I am happy that he took a moment of a day in his life to share with me. What a blessing.
You never know when or how blessings/lessons will manifest. They may be in the form of an older, White gentleman who survived a brain tumor or a young child who gives a Hi Five when you are running a road race. Just be open. Don't let silly things like race, gender, size, preconception, etc. stop you from receiving your blessing/lesson today. Continue to enjoy life's journey.
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