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Showing posts from December, 2012

2013~ Live the Dream

~ Lessons There are many lessons I learned and re-learned this year.  I am excited about the  new year and what it has to offer. ~Fear Management Fear is real. It has and continues to challenge me to re-discover inner strength. ~Faith vs. Fear This past year, I was fortunate to package the fear; place it in it's rightful place and permit faith to propel me perpetually forward into new experiences. Some were good experiences and some were not, but all were informative.  I learned that I don't necessarily have to change myself, but sometimes I have to change my environment to be my best self. ~Power of Verbs Life is about doing, re-doing and un-doing.  It is only through the act of participating fully in life's moment's I have truly come to understand that experience is indeed the best teacher.  By reflecting on experiences honestly; personal awareness can be revealed.  In my opinion, it is what we do with the new found awareness that can...