T-minus six weeks.
It is “Go-Time.” This
weekend I attended a swim clinic at Swim4Purpose with Doug Saar and an
Olympian, Fred Hviid. Outstanding
is all I can say. Doug “took
us to school” and spoke in detail about common swimming errors while Fred demonstrated
techniques. I would highly
recommend the clinic, but there is nothing like a double jointed, buff, Olympic
swimmer to make you feel like…” Dude, I just wanna finish my first Tri…Damn,
seriously. Who moves like a fish with 6 strokes and he is across the
pool to make you feel intimidated.” I was amazed. I could have watched him swim all day.
He was fluid and graceful. Most of
all he was patient. Fred was in
the pool with all the swimmers speaking kindly and gently as well did the
techniques. The swimmers were from
all different experiences, some were season Ironman(women); while others were
in the “O Lordy category…Get me through the swim.” It didn’t matter.
All the knowledge was useful.
I stayed behind and spoke Fred for a few. He told me that he used to spend at a minimum of 7 hours a day
in the pool and that did not include time in the gym doing polymetrics and core
strength exercises. That was
typical day. He says, “Swimming is
not natural so you have to training your brain and body to do something to make
it as natural as putting on your sneakers and running out the door.” For most Triathletes, swimming is a
skill to be learned to get to the bike more than a sport. It becomes a sport when you really
learned the skills and that requires hours in the pool and dedicated focus. I guess anyone doing anything for hours will get really good at it. I respected the feedback.
Personally, I think I enjoy going to
events, workshops and trainings because the people I meet intrigue me. I met one woman who did not learn to
swim until she was 55 yrs old at the workshop. She gave me a hug and said, “ I am so proud of you. You can do this.”
She is 57 yrs old and completed her first Ironman earlier this
year. Amazing…Simply Amazing. I thought.."Here we are working our tails off in a
pool for 2.5 hours and this woman had a moment in her life to encourage me and
give me a hug." The universe is
beautiful. I was truly encouraged.
I share with others not because I am a great athlete…I am
NOT, but I really want people to think about all they can accomplish if they
are just willing to keep things simple, enjoy the journey and know that the
best reward awaits you on the other side of impossible.
Sesame Street--http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNghp9tPXjo
The journey continues….
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