The best highlights were all the wonderful people I met this month through doing those activities. I met people in California who knew triathletes and cyclists in own town and they felt comfortable approaching me and beginning a conversation simply because I had on a T-shirt with Parks Half Marathon. I met a supportive crew at the Tour de Frederick, not so easy bike ride on a Friday afternoon two weeks ago. I participated in the Reston Ride last weekend with some phenomenal women, some are training for Ironman 70.3 while others cycled for the personal fitness challenge like myself. Most of all, I met wonderful people/strangers on blogs, forums, Facebook, email who offered support just because they could. They reminded me that I am not alone on my journey and that it is okay to have setbacks, self-doubt and struggles in triathlon training.
August was a great month and I am sure September holds many WoW-Wonderful Opportunities Waiting-for me as well. I have chosen not to sign up for any races at this time so I can focus solely on improving my swimming, cycling and running without the pressure of a race. I simply need more minutes/hours on my feet, in the saddle and in the pool. For me, endurance builds confidence. Confidence is something that I struggled with during my first Tri. Why?
1. I was trying to learn one sport, the swim, in a specific amount of time-6 months. By putting so much pressure on myself to learn to swim; I did not allow myself time to focus on all the skills and drills required for swimming confidence. Simply put. I did not have enough time even though I put in the time. Allowing myself time to work on swimming for 4 months without a race will allow me to RELAX and feel the water.
2. I placed too much emphasis on what I could NOT do, swim, and did not place enough time on what I could do-run. My anxiety related to swimming spilled over to running and cycling. I have done marathons in the past between 4 and 5 hours and long rides from 40 -100 miles, but I lost all confidence in my ability to any of these because I was so worried about the swim. Lesson ~ "Up with the Good; Down with the Bad!" Focus on what you CAN do not what you can't do! Reward yourself with things you do well and practice what you are not strong in. Don't sacrifice everything because you are not good at one thing. "All or nothing mentality is dangerous."
3. Allow time to develop mental stamina and toughness. Simply put-endurance=confidence. Put in the work and you have the confidence. Yes, some swims, rides and runs will not go perfectly, but if you prepare overtime; you will acquire enough knowledge through experience to handle each situation.
4. Consistency is key. As one lady told me this week who just learned to swim 2 yrs ago and just finished an Ironman. "It does not matter how fast you go, but you have to stay consistent." " This is especially true for swimming." She explained. " Everyday, we can walk around breathing air comfortably, but the only way you learn how to breathe in another environment is to put yourself in that environment. It is called the pool. You must go there and just practice placing yourself in that environment even if it is for 20 min 3/4 x per week so that it is like a 'second home.' " Good advice.
5. Patience...We can only know what our awareness allows. And so it goes...the journey continues with deliberate practice, focus, consistence and repetition.
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