Occasionally, I participate in low- key races for the fun and to test my personal limits. It was a great day for sure. I watched my fellow triathlete get 2nd place in her age group and saw many familiar faces in Multisports that I have raced with all season. This was my last multisport race for season so what a wonderful way to end the season. Yesterday, I completed a local Duathlon. After the race, I packed up my belongings and drove to a local supermarket to grab food before heading home. I wore my medal to the supermarket. Someone asked me, “Did you win the race?” I smiled and said, “No.”The lady continued “ How come you got a medal and you did even win?” I smiled with my best Stacy smile thinking should I answer or not. I did. I replied “ Every athlete who finished earned the medal. They trained to get to the starting line and decided to put themselves through a 15 mile course that required them to run then bike then run again. The participants’ ages ra...
This blog is to encourage every person to live his or her best life, to learn little life lessons each day, and to incorporate new, healthy behaviors into your crazy, hectic schedules. This blog supports all who are on physical, emotional and spiritual journey to live their best life. There is NO perfect life so let's strive to live the most healthy life we can.