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Be Inspired While Inspiring!

After back-to-back 12 hour shifts at the hospital, I managed to run 6 miles for my half marathon training and get to my swim lesson.  I finally completed 1 lap with no floaty---Yippee for me. My coach clapped for me.   One month ago I took my first lesson and never thought I could even put my face in the water.  Now I just have to do this 20 more times and I will be ready for my FIRST Triathlon that I am eyeballing in the summer.  Practice, Practice, Practice!

One of the nurses on my unit asked me how do I find time to read, drive 120 miles round trip from my home to the hospital, run, take swim lessons, bike and SLEEP?  She knows I am finishing my nursing practicum and preparing for graduation and taking the National Nursing Boards in May and June.  

This was an interesting question because nurses are the QUEENS of multitasking.  The staff constantly educates patients on the importance of exercise and diet especially since many the patients on my unit are taking medications for diabetes and hypertension.   All are African American.

I smiled and said, “ Sometimes you just gotta do it. I know that I may not be fast, but I can do my best with the time constraints that I have. “  She went on about how about relaxing and watching tv, but she would like to start walking.   I gently explained that there are always tradeoffs in life.  Instead of watching tv, I choose to run or bike.  Most importantly, I told her that you don’t have to be perfect at running, walking, biking or swimming, but you do have to start!  She said, “ You are such an inspiration and I will think about walking at lunch time instead of watching TV in the break area.”

Once you start working out or a program, you just never know what you will discover.

The journey continues~one step, one lap, one spin at a time.



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