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Bend or Break- RagnarDC

So a running buddy called me a week before a 200 mile relay race from Flintstone, MD to Washington, DC. Her team needed one more runner to replace a person who could not attend due to a life event. I said, "Sure, I can do this."  I tend to be a "Yes" girl.  I like to say "Yes" more than "No."

So there I sat in my pajamas not knowing what adventure awaited me.

Six days after the call, I met the team for dinner and headed up to a hotel close to the course start. I must say I was nervous. I did not feel prepared. I observed how calm my teammates were and internally I was hoping to not let them down. See, I was Leg one of a 200 mile race.

Leg 1-Rocky Gap Trail. 0500
There I was at the start. Pumped and ready. It was pitch dark when the race started. My 0500 wave started and off I went. I had a map of the course and followed the directions as best as I could. Before I knew it I was under a canopy of trees. It was dark. No, it was pitch dark. My headlamp appeared dim. Even at @ 0530, the night refused to surrender to day. I ran. I had on trail shoes and ran comfortably until I fell. Yup. I fell HARD. THUMP !!! You know that type of fall that knocks the wind out of you. Yup. That was me. I remember thinking. Just breathe. I did. I checked if I could move. I could. I got up with the assistance of the other runners. I decided that I would finish my leg of the race by any means necessary. Hurt, but moving. Movement is medicine, I thought. I am alive. In that moment, I never felt more aware of my life and breath. Humbly, I hobbled along. Mentally and physically exhausted, I arrived at the finish of leg 1 to the cheers of team members. Unfortunately, I could not hear anything, but the sound of my own breath.

Leg 2-Exchange 13-Running with moonlight

It was @10:00 pm when I saw the team captain arrive at the exchange area. She looked strong and amazing after running a very hilly course. I remember her infectious energy and took off running as soon as we made the exchange. Running at night is both terrifying and exhilarating. Honestly, it was the first time that I shut my brain off and just ran with ease. I followed all the runner's lights into the darkness. Before I knew it, I had arrived at the next exchange.

Leg 3- Exchange 25. This was the last exchange. While I was happy to run in the daylight, I was concerned about the temperature. It was very warm in the upper 80s. I decided that I must run conservatively.  Although this course was labeled as moderate, it had one mile long steep climb to the next exchange. I remember arriving at the last mile before the exchange. I was feeling beat down tired, but ran happily to the next exchange. I arrived quietly.  All of my legs of the race were over.

Ragnar is a lot like life. You can plan, but you may never be fully prepared for what challenges await you. It is up to us to remain flexible mentally and physically. If we don't, we may break. Ragnar is the type of event where you can lose yourself and find yourself all at the same time.  For me, I knew I was tough, but never thought of participating in Ragnar until the opportunity presented itself. I was reminded that I can do tough things and survive even if I am injured.  Personally, my mental strength is stronger than my physical strength. For this event, I believe mental strength served me well.

I have so many thoughts and feelings about this event that there is not enough time for me to convey all here in one post.
All I can say is when someone invites you do something crazy and challenging, do it. I did this over the Summer and managed to ride 45 miles with crazy elevation with a buddy on a whim.  Little did I know, it served me well when I participated in my triathlon that happened to have Cat 3 and Cat 5 climbs.

Challenges change us, mold us and remind us that we are capable of more.
In the end, we only regret the chances we did not take.

Enjoy the journey,



  1. YES!!! "lose yourself and find yourself all at the same time" ! The definite prize of doing these crazy adventures -
    no matter how nervous we are. Glad to have met like-spirited crazy adventure-seekers with wonderful souls to share these moments with.

    1. Thank you for taking a moment to read this. It is my belief that if we are open, we will continue to uncover parts of ourselves throughout this crazy life. Wishing all the best on your journey.


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