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You want me to do WHAT???????

Jumped up at 455am to make it to my first HIT class.  The High Intensity Training class is a combo of boot camp and cross fit with weights, lunges, jumping jacks, iron cross (ab workout) and push up and treadmill running.  The treadmill was the only thing familiar to me.  Everything else was a mystery.  One lady asked me..."Why are you here, you already look in shape!"  I laughed said nothing.  See what see does NOT know is that strength training is my Nemesis.  I will run up hill, stretch, take yoga, cross train, but weight training is semi boring for me.  Basically, if it is NOT aerobic I avoid it. (Secretly, I was thinking..."Lady, do you know me?  You have no idea what I can or can't do and it appears you are judging me my how I look NOT by what I can do....Very bad error on your part.  She doesn't know I used to be a kid with asthma who could not run without an inhaler or when I was in college I could barely MOVE because I was so out of shape...I digress.  People just crack me up when they make assumptions about other people.)

Back to the work out.
There were 6 people of various shapes, fitness levels and sizes who attended.  I really thought the instructor was the devil in disguise. She looked sweet, until she had us lunging, jumping, running, crawling....  Before, I know it the workout was over.  I survived even though I was panting and sweating.  Then I found myself thanking the instructor for the workout and asking when was the next one.  Am I crazy or what?  I guess I just want always want to continue to challenge myself.  It keeps life interesting. Then I climbed on the treadmill for few more miles.  It was a pretty good way to start the day for this fitness runner.

For more information on Running for fitness...

Running as a Weight Loss Program:  Caloric Requirements of Daily Fitness Running Helps Lose Pounds


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