Today was my first OWS in Annapolis. I was so scared. I met the swim coach who is truly an angel in disguise, Traci. We have met before, but I was not ready mentally or physically. I stayed with the newbies then the best swim angel, Lisa arrives (in above photo in the Blue). All anxiety ceased. Lisa is a strong swimmer and a friend extraordinaire. Every girl should have a Lisa in their life. Someone who encourages you and shows up for you when need a little extra support. True swim angel indeed.
I found additional Angels at the swim, Shaunna (in photo above), Crystal and Eric.
I managed to swim out and back with Lisa on the 350 m course. I panicked because I couldn't find the body. She reminded me that you control the tempo and take your time. I did. I finished and managed to go again with another new swimmer. Lisa swam behind us.
I did it again.
Golly Gosh- I did it!!
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