Oh Happy Day when Jesus washed my sins away.
Yes! Here I was with old Negro spirituals in my head. They comfort me when I am scared. Guess what? It was one of those days.
I signed up for this event after attending Swimfest Ft. Ritchie with triathlon buddies. One thing I noticed is I had sufficient ability to participate in this but no OWS experience. I promised myself I would go home and sign up for OWS lessons. I did! Two weeks after my first lesson with Traci, I found myself standing at the starting line of a Swim fest.
I had no family or friends who could attend this event so I went alone. I was scared. But I just sang a line in one of my favorite songs, "Ain't no need to worry what tomorrow gonna bring, it will be all over in the morning."
The start gun went off and I let every one go. I decided in that moment, I will finish and learn. I stayed in the back and focused on one buoy at a time. I claimed victory at each buoy. I got a little off course but with the guidance of a kayaker, I was redirected toward the finish.
Then I turned and could see land and the finish. I was so happy. I did not change my stroke at all. I just continued and Bam!! Sweet land! I made it. After 3 yrs if swim lessons and 2 OWS practices in 2 weeks before this event, I completed my first OWS.
Yes! A picture is worth a 1000 words. Pure joy!

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